Be a guest on the podcast

(I’m currently working on Season Two. Contact me to get involved!)

Share Your Expertise

Supporting an aging parent involves so areas of expertise. We need information from experts like medical professionals, therapists, social workers, attorneys, non-profit organizations, business owners and more. If you have information to share that can help answer common questions and ease the stress of supporting aging parents, I would love to hear from you!

Share Your Story

Supporting an aging parent can feel lonely and isolating. It's an emotional experience, one we tend to keep to ourselves. Considering there are millions of people currently supporting aging parents, there's not much conversation about it out in the community. Since we don't hear others talking about their struggles and challenges, we assume everyone else must have it figured out. In my job I've spent nearly a decade going from house to house helping older adults and their families, and behind closed doors everyone has the same fears and questions. This can be a challenging time, but I believe it can be made easier with more open discussions and community support. Whether you're a full time caregiver to your parent or you're helping from a distance, if you're currently supporting a parent or they have passed away, you can help others feel less alone by sharing your story.